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Reality Check--A Relapse Story from the Restore Community

addiction recovery relapse restore detox centers sobriety Sep 30, 2024


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Steven and Steve explore the multifaceted nature of addiction, focusing on the relentless battle against relapse. They share the heartbreaking story of a team member at Restore who recently relapsed, highlighting the need for constant vigilance in recovery. The hosts emphasize the role of humility in maintaining sobriety and the dangers of pride and complacency, which can lead to a downfall.

The episode delves into the cycle of pride, sin, humility, and redemption, discussing how prosperity can breed complacency, ultimately necessitating repentance. Using real-world analogies, they illustrate how backward logic can impede progress in recovery. Steven and Steve stress the importance of daily habits, support groups, and strong connections with sponsors to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety.

The hosts also address the emotional and logistical challenges a recovery community faces when a member relapses. They emphasize the need for honest communication, rebuilding sobriety, and offering support without compromising accountability. The episode concludes with invaluable resources for those struggling with relapse, reminding everyone that they are not alone on the journey to recovery.


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